Song Space

Joni is a seasoned songwriter, arranger and up & coming producer. She even mixed her last album, Love & Protest herself. 
If you're looking for a co-writer, to make the first demos of your songs, or perhaps are looking to flesh out some arrangements of your tunes, Joni might be just who you're looking for. 

Visit the Song Space page:

Guelph Glee (currently inactive)

Songs for Community

Joni's love of choral/group singing and "being the change we seek" led her to start this project called, "Songs For Community".  It will be a album + songbook + activity guide that is meant for choirs, schools, community groups- anywhere there's group singing and/or a desire to use music to explore social justice and cultivating empathy & compassion. There are demos of a few songs, plus a video of Joni demonstrating body percussion that can go along with them. 

Visit the Songs For Community Page:

For over seven years, Joni was musical director & arranger for the small community choir she founded called Guelph Glee. Unfortunately, the pandemic put a halt to their last season but she does hope to revive the choir in the future. It was a joy and labour of love! Here's a clip from their last concert in 2020.

 Visit the Guelph Glee page: